Honoring Dr. Paula & Dr. Carl Zielonka
TJFS Community Pillars
TJFS honored Dr. Paula Zielonka and Dr. Carl Zielonka for their long-time contributions to TJFS and the Jewish community through a virtual fundraiser and performance of, “Meaningful Moments from Becoming Dr. Ruth,” featuring Tampa native, actress Eileen Koteles.

The Story
Dr. Carl Zielonka is a native of Tampa and has served in many roles throughout the community. He
served as an officer and director for TJFS for most of the 1990s and has also served as president at
Congregation Schaarai Zedek and in leadership positions with the Tampa Jewish Federation, TOP, Hillel School of Tampa, AIPAC, Menorah Manor and more.
Dr. Paula Zielonka has served as president and on the board for TJFS, established the Paula S. Zielonka Tampa Jewish Family Service Food Bank Fund at TOP, and has also held leadership roles with United Jewish Appeal, the Council of Jewish Women, Congregation Schaarai Zedek Sisterhood, TampaBay Job Links and more.
They have both been recipients of many awards and honors for their work throughout the community.

Our Sincere Gratitude
We are privileged to have the generous support from The Zielonkas for many years. Without contributions from families and individuals, we would not be able to continue our community outreach and help to those in need.