What’s Happening Now
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TJFS News:
Dealing with the Holiday Blues
For some, the holiday season may be a time of dealing with grief and loss, anxiety, and depression. Each person’s experience is different, and you may feel sadness before, during, or after the holiday season. Reaching out to family and friends can increase your sense...
Meet Our Newest TJFS Team Member – Erik Libby, LCSW
Please join us in welcoming our newest team member, Erik Libby. Erik is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and will provide counseling to our Tampa Jewish Family Services. Erik has a Master's Degree in social work and has been practicing in Florida for more...
An Update From Our CEO
Dear Friends, This has been a busy and exciting few months. We hope you were able to join us for our annual Trifecta fundraiser, LOL-FECTA. We reimagined it and held it as a virtual event featuring Pamela Rae Schuller. And though we can't wait for next year when we...
A Letter From Our CEO
Dear Friends, Thank you to all who have supported TJFS over this difficult year and beyond. Hopefully, we are turning the corner. Here at TJFS, we have been working around the clock to support those in need throughout the Tampa Bay Community. Recently, our Community...
Press Release: JELF Provides Funds To More Students Than Ever Before
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JELF CONTACT: David Cohen, JELF Marketing Director dcohen@jelf.org 404-217-3724 EARNING A DEGREE, INTEREST-FREE… JELF PROVIDES FUNDS TO MORE STUDENTS THAN EVER BEFORE! In 2020, JELF (Jewish Educational Loan Fund) provided 394 interest-free loans...
Upcoming Meetings & Events: