As CEO of a social service agency, it’s important to continually look for opportunities that will improve and expand our service to the community. Our decision to hire a licensed psychologist as the agency’s clinical director will enable TJFS to provide brand new services to Tampa area families: special needs and gifted testing. The cost of private testing can be out of reach for many families and the time it takes to access testing in public schools can be frustrating to parents and their children, leaving few options. TJFS is pleased to be able to offer this program at mission-driven prices, enabling parents to quickly identify the next steps in their child’s education. This program is at the heart of our mission to provide services that strengthen families. Personally, I feel there’s probably nothing more important than helping a child with the resources he or she needs to ensure a successful education. The special needs and gifted testing service will begin with the 2014-2015 school year.