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TJFS News:
Hurricane Helene Relief Resources
Our hearts go out to all who were impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Helene. The TJFS office is open and available for those in need throughout Hillsborough County. We have many resources available, including our Community Food Bank for those who need food and...
How To Talk to Kids About War
Recent conflicts in Israel, and also the Ukraine, have given us the opportunity to think about how to talk about war with children of all ages. Before doing so however, as parents, we may need to think through our own thoughts and feelings about war and casualties. We...
January Message From Our CEO
Dear Friends, If there's one thing I'd want people to understand about Tampa Jewish Family Services, it's that we're not just a Community Food Bank. Or a counseling service. Or a financial assistance program. Or a referral service. Don't get me wrong - we certainly...
A Day in the Life at TJFS
Dear Friends, I thought in today's newsletter, I'd give you a peek into a day at Tampa Jewish Family Services. Don't get me wrong, every day is unique! But there are a few constants, and at the top of the list is the ever-growing need for assistance. As soon as the...
Bullying, Cyberbullying and Prevention
by Erik Libby, TJFS Clinical Director and Licensed Social Worker First, let's start with a seemingly simple question, and then we'll get into tips on how to prevent bullying. So, what exactly is “bullying?” Bullying is harmful behavior that hurts someone else....